How We Met [Chapter 13]


Karlie was stuck in the foster system until she turned 18 and left her foster parents for the big city. Penniless she stays with a friend and learns the streets until she finds Dustin a former foster kid who made it.​


Chapter 13

     In the previous chapter, Karlie was told who was looking at a ship belonging to the Dustin Company. In the ship, Palmer is seen trying to seduce Karlie, but Karlie refuses. Then Palmer left.

    Next Scene Karlie and Dustin go to the airport to go on Dustin's private plane. But while on the way their plane experienced a leak and the plane fell.
     Well, into the next ccene. Karlie wakes up in a room. and in the room there is a robot named Zata 5. Then Karlie looked around the area and looked for a way out. However, Karlie didn't find it. When he saw the glass Karlie saw that his appearance had changed.

      Then he was sad and lay down. Then, a male voice called Karlie. then hope came to Karlie's mind. And Karlie also asked some questions and the man explained to Karlie.

Late in the 21st century a nano technology was developed to
combat viruses, bacteria, cancer and all the other sicknesses. It
was a very crude system but I worked very well.

Sickness was now a thing of the past, however with a few flaws.
The nano program was easy to tamper with and it only meagerly
extended life, a couple hundred years at best.

How efer in just a few hundree years the technology was vastly improved and greatly extended the human life span thousands of years. All while mainmaintaining a youthful appearence.

The nanos today can not be tampared with and has extended life
Indefinitely I can regrew Lost limbs. You can avan heal in seconds.

This tech has a major problem! It creates a population boom that
just was not sustainable. Population doubled avery few years. The
planejust could not handle it. Earth was dyting!

Technology in the space travel department has not kept pace,
Today we can still only travel about half the speed of light wa
have terraforming platforms on many planate or headed here.
Hs Back x in Karom?

Terraforming also takes tens of thousands of years to make a planet fully livable and then we can only send what the planet will safely support

Only a small portion of our solar system is capable of terrating. Mostly small moons and they can only support a few thousand and Mars of course the largest in cur solar system and has the largest colory outside Earth.

This figure is unknown for sure. All colonies keep their own statistics and they will let us know if they are open to new colonist.

However, we do know the number of people on earth is 53,078,493,398 roughly.

On the surface there is only 1 billion people allowed to live there. Over population almost made the surface barron and unlivable. However it is now a paradise. Most forests have regrown. Water is pure again.

No waste of any kind. No corporations are allowed to work from the surface. Literally a paradise.

We are actually below the surface with the remainder of the population. Some corporations operate here but mostly just people like you are here.

Karlie you are in the Digi9 system!

Digi9 is a holding area where people live out lives in a dream state inside a computer generated world. People live full lives until a spot opens up on the surface, colony request or setting up new colonies.

Like I said surface populations is highly regulated. However, the population is rotated every 100 years. So everyone gets a chance to to live on the surface about every 5,200 years.

Sorry let me clarify, not everyone on the surface is rotated at the same time, everyone has their own finish date. As for colonies, we do not know when or if they wil make a request for personnel.

Digi9 is a very powerful quantum computer, actually a lot of them that allows inhabitants to live out lives and even allows for different lives.

You can travel the world, fall in love and even have kids.

Yes, you can choose what life you want to live. That is as long as there is a spot available in that Digi9 stream.

The Digi9 program has many, many lives. Your consciousness can be inserted seamlessly into any one of those lives. We call those lives streams.

Although your body never ages here, the streams are designed to age and die so that you may come back here and pick a new stream. Any other questions?

Everytime you enter a stream we have to erase your memories. You can't go in a stream with past memories. This will cause glitches in the system. Sometimes remnant memories are left behind and can be seen as ghost, deja vu and the like,

Ever had that feeling you been somewhere or done something
Those are remnant memories. However, all your memories of your past lives have been stored.

All original memories were lost to all but a few that were on the surface at the time. Few details remain of that time. Any other questions?

This is unknown from the memory loss but from the memories that remained we have been able to piece together with high accuracy that it is the year 250,125 give or take.

I'm sorry that is all the time we have. Millions of people come in daily. You must make a decision on your Digi9 stream.

Mostly about some point in nano history, if you want to relive your last one you can since you already know something about it but why not change it up? Now you have to choose. Bye!

     Here I chose NanoV. Now Chapter 13 will start in this preferred Stream. Here Karlie will live as a child who has a professional father in the Military Police. and his mother is a flight attendant.

     And he has a younger sister named Tiffy. It is told here that the Karlie and Dustin Families are very close. Karlie also knew Dustin since he was a child.

     Then at the age of 8, Karlie was entrusted to a training center for Bela Dori. Karlie also grows into a tough woman. And also teaches how to use Karlie's firearms. He is good at using Snipers.

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