Live To Fight [v0.5.8] [Grinder] + WT Mod


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This is the Story of a Young boy who gets in trouble with money for stealing the wrong person, now he must return it and he don’t have it, he will have to go with an old friend to help him, a friend who knows the underworld, the world of Illegal fights to get fast money and on the way to solve problems, all kinds of situations can happen​.


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     In this update, John and Emma meet in Park. John asks Emma to go on a date and Emma asks for help escorting Emma to buy clothes for her annoying sister's wedding party.
     When he arrived at the clothes shop, John was told by Emma to enter the dressing room and assess the clothes chosen by Emma. Here Emma chooses to dress and get empathy.
     John, who then saw Emma's beauty when trying on the dress, made John's mind confused. Well, then after trying on all the selected clothes. Emma asked John's permission to choose the best outfit. Here I choose the last dress.
     Then, when I paid the cashier it turned out that the dress was expensive and Emma's money was not enough for the dress. As a tough man here, John pays for Emma's dress.
     Even though John's debt hasn't been paid off, John pays for Emma's clothes so that he can attract Emma's attention. Then, they went to the cafe and chatted there.
     After chatting they went home and Emma chose John for her gratitude. The next day John started MMA training again.
     In the evening John will compete in an illegal MMA match. here John met a tough opponent and was bigger than John, called Big Joe.
     However, due to his tenacity and agility, John managed to beat his opponent.

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