Corruption Town [v0.5c2] [BoredBasmati]


Corruption Town [v0.5c2] [BoredBasmati]
May 6, 2024Last Updated: May 6, 2024


Forced to flee their home, Agnes and Henry arrive in the grand city of Grimsburg, packed to the brim with ill-intentioned men. With the help of Otto, the innkeeper of the Limping Duck, they will have to claw their way into this hostile environment or succumb to it. Corruption Town is a pure corruption game with a slow progression, which happens through gameplay and scripted sequences.

Support Developer of this game:




1- Extract and run.
Developer: BoredBasmati
Version: v0.5c2
Language: English


New Agnes events
New Henry events
New stage for Advertisement Market
New interaction bar:
Flash , Spread, French, Slap
Kick and Finger have now 4 corrption step
New bar skill: Flash, Spread, Spike Drink, Pickpocket
New cg for pants stealer
You can now rename the 2 main characters on a new game
New navigation system
UI tweak
Fixing bug, bug and bug

Hello, dear viewers! I'm thrilled to share with you today a touching and captivating visual novel story about a single mother, Agnes, and her son, Henry. This story is a heartwarming tale of love, resilience, and the beautiful bond between a mother and her child.

Agnes, a strong-willed woman who faces life's challenges head-on, is the main protagonist of this story. Despite her difficulties as a single mother raising Henry alone, she never lets life defeat her. She faces each day with courage and determination, providing her son with the love and support he needs to grow into a kind-hearted young man.

Henry is an endearing character who grows alongside his mother's strength. He is both sweet and observant, learning from Agnes's example how to face life's challenges with grace and resilience. Together, they form an unbreakable bond that grows stronger with each passing day.

This visual novel story is not just about the struggles of single parenthood or the hardships life throws our way. It's about love, hope, growth, and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. It's a testament to the strength of family bonds and how much we can accomplish when we work together.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through Agnes and Henry's story. If you enjoyed this narrative or resonated with it personally or emotionally, please consider sharing it with your friends or family members who might also appreciate its message of hope and resilience. And if you haven't already done so, don't forget to hit like, subscribe for more inspiring content like this one! Until next time, take care and stay strong!

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Milfylicious [v0.26] [Maximus]